With a blog that gets me to write and this place for quick, short posts, I am rethinking what I want from my website. I am not getting rid of it. It remains my home on the web; it needs to behave differently. I don't want it to be the blog. How are the two different? Those are thoughts for another time.
I recently thought I needed to relook at my website design and took that as a project. This documents what's to be done and the status of the same.
Design Element
- Minimal homepage with bottom nav bar for the links to blog and notes.
- Legible, yet unique font -- selected Inter.
- Fixed nav bar with fading separator
- Clean single post and page layout. No distractions.
- No link pages -- no list of posts anywhere.
- Index of favourite posts on the home page
- Specific pages with manual selection of posts (for example, fiction).
- Prominent search and random post option. Possibly in footer.
- IndieWeb Enabled
- Low footprint and fast loading
Here's the list of things I have already achieved.
- Setup a local Hugo site with a new theme which is committed to GitHub.
- Basic theme template with only required elements in
. - Themed the homepage and single page. Carried the 404 over.
- Theme the list page to not show lists of posts.
- Display search and random post icons on the list page
Links to this note
If this scribble resonated with you in any way, I would love to hear from you. You can email me or browse through my bio to find other ways to connect with me.